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Solar System Sun soundbank continues our Solar System series for Arturia Pigments and Analog Lab V synthesizers. This one contains 72 heavy weighted poly synths with analog character. The result of the presets derives from the goal to give a sonic dimension to the gravity forces in our Solar System’s star.


It is like all the sounds are swallowing whatever float within their sonic radius and then landed down on the hot surface.


They fit for a variety of genres while epic cinematic compositions is maybe the strongest point of them. Generally, the sounds could be used for cinematic and sci-fi themed underscores, techno, electronic – especially with dark production character.


The 4 macros are assigned to filter’s drive (analogize), cutoff frequency, resonance and to a chorus effect device. MW adds vibrato and aftertouch modulates the overall pitch.


All presets designed with Pigments (x64) and run best with this or newer edition

Analog Lab V edition: Soundbank needs at least version Analog Lab V (x64) or newer


Pigments 4 ® and Analog Lab V ® are registered trademarks of ARTURIA SA

Solar System - Sun - Pigments and Analog Lab V

16,00 €Price

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